New Beginning Chapel (NBC) a Gospel Pentecostal/Evangelical Christian Church has opened the doors for all to understand the Mission of Our Lord Jesus We are working with and Our Beliefs based on the Holy Bible Scriptures which can be Found under the Section (About Us).
We Preach The Salvation Plan Of God THROUGH JESUS CHRIST Saving Humanity from Sin, Death, Hell, Sickness, Operation, Poverty and Satan when an individual makes a decision to forsake sin and invite Jesus into their Heart to be their Personal Lord and Saviour by FORSAKING SIN, BELIEVING, ACCEPTING AND CONFESSING JESUS ON AN INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL BASIS TO BE THEIR LORD, SAVIOUR AND UNDERGOING BAPTISM BY IMMERSSION IN WATER . Also, we Encourage everyone who has made a yes decision for Jesus to Grow Spiritually in Jesus as contained in the (Finding Jesus) Section of this Website.
The Daily Devotion and Bible Teaching Sections are Designed to provide Bible Based Scriptures, Teachings, Confessions, Prayer, Messages and Materials which can be used by believers and Disciples of Jesus on a daily, Night and Day Basis for Spiritual growth just as the Bible Old Testament Book of Joshua Chapter 1 Verse 8 admonishes us saying “ This book of Law shall not depart Out of thy Mouth; but thou shalt meditate there in day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written there in: for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have Good Success”. The Book of Law as per Joshua 1 verse 8 above refers to the Holy Bible Scriptures.
The Events Section, list Programmes Organised by New Beginning Chapel (NBC), Christian and Motivating Events organized by other Churches, individuals and Organisation We hope will add value to the lives of God’s People.
Evangelism & Getting Involved Section has been set up to provide training and Support for individuals and Groups to be equipped with Bible Based Teaching, resources for Personal Evangelism- Sharing about Faith in Jesus with others and Mass Evangelism which involves Group Organised activities to share about Faith in Jesus Christ as the Only Way To Reach God The Father. Different Outreach experiences that people can be a part of includes Street Evangelism, Overcoming Homeless Projects, Orphanges, Care Home Outreaches, Hospital and Prison Outreaches, Poverty Relief and Godly Wealth Creation Projects etc which are also mentioned in this Section.
LICO & Other Resources: The Opportunity to get to know more and get involved in the Life In Christ Outreach (LICO) work, Other Ministries and Resources we hope will enhance Peoples Spiritual development resulting in a deeper love walk with God The Father, God The Son (Jesus) and God The Holy Spirit.
Blogs and Other Sections of the Websites are intended to create platforms where Spiritual Uplifting, Holy Spirit inspired Write Ups, Articles, Audio &Visual Materials etc are available for all.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know us in New Beginning Chapel (NBC) Part of the Life In Christ outreach (LICO). We hope you will enjoy your experience looking through the different Sections of the Website and when you visit us to be Partaker in the Church Service(s).
Joh 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. Read more to find Jesus
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making a donation to the NBC will enable us to do more and make a greater difference.
Tel: +447473891425
1. God loves you. Please see Bible book John Chapter 3 verse16, (John 3:16).
2. God's love made Jesus Christ die for all humans to save us from Sin, Punishment for Sin, Death, Hell, Satan, demons, Problems, Fear etc. (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8).
3. Turn away from Sin & Invite Jesus into your life as your Lord & Saviour Asking God for forgiveness of your Sins in Jesus Name. (Romans 10 :9 - 10).
4. Pray audibly (Aloud) to Invite Jesus into your Life by saying. "Dear God I come to you in Jesus Name. I repent and forsake all my Sins/ Satan/Evil Practices. I Believe Jesus Died for Me. I Accept Jesus into my life as my Lord & Saviour. (Amen)".
© Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved.
Lovely Greetings to you/your family. The Leadership & Members of New Beginning Chapel (NBC) Purfleet.
A Gospel Pentecostal Bible Teaching Church
Invites you, your family & friends to join us every Sunday in Our Bible Based Church Family Service at the New Location.
Venue: Building of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM)
London Road. Purfleet. RM19 1QT.
In New Beginning Chapel/ (LICO) Centre
(1) Evangelism Thursdays 5pm to 6pm (Barnsley Bus Station).
(2) Sundays 6pm & Thursdays 6:30pm Church Service 6.30pm; Bible Teaching, Praise & Worship
Venue: At New Beginning Chapel/ (LICO) Centre, Ash Grove, Kendray, Barnsley S70 3HY
For Enquiries, Counselling & Prayers.
Please contact
Pastor Temi
Tel: 07473891425