New Beginning Chapel (NBC) as a church believe that
1. The Bible is the infallible inspired Word of God, originally given without Error and it is the Final Authority in the Matter of Faith, Service and Conduct.
2. God exist Eternally as Three Persons ( God The Father, God The Son (Our Lord Jesus Christ) and God The Holy Spirit and the Three Persons of God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit known as The God head are One God Sovereign in Creation, Providence and Redemption.
3. God The Father Loved the whole World that He sent His Only Begotton Son Our Lord Jesus Christ to Come into the World to Save Humanity from Sin & It’s Consequencies. (John 3 v 16)
4. God The Son – Our Lord Jesus Christ Left aside His Majesty in Heaven, came into Earth in human flesh through the Virgin Birth, was Sinless, lived on earth as a Sinless Human , Authoritative Teacher, who Performed Miracles such as healing the Sick, Making the Blind to See, Making the Lame Walk, The Deaf Receive Hearing, the Dumb Spoke, Demons Cast Out, The Dead Such as the Lazarus and Widow of Nain Son were Raised Back to Life.
5. Our Lord Jesus gave His life to die on the Cross to save humanity from, Sin, Death, Hell, Satan, Diseases, Poverty, when He (Jesus Our Lord) shed his Blood on the Cross as atoning Sacrifice thus Died, was Buried and on the Third day Resurrected , revealed Himself after resurrection to some people including His Disciples before Ascension to the right hand of God The Father.
6. Our Lord Jesus sitted at the Right hand of God The Father is making intercession (prayer) for His Church and will be coming the Second time to the World with His Angels to receive His Church –(The Believers of Jesus who accept the Lordship of Jesus Over them) to the Place He has prepared in His Father God’s Kingdom. (John 14 v1)
7. God The Holy Spirit the Third Person of the Trinity/ Godhead has been given by God The Father and God The Son (Our Lord Jesus Christ) to strengthen Believers of Our Lord Jesus with Power (Acts 1 verse 8) through the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders following, to teach and Comfort Jesus Believers, ( John 14 verses 25-26 ). The Holy Spirit work on earth is seen in Repentance, Regeneration, Santification and Convicting the World of Sin, and the Need to Accept the Saviour from Sin Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the Person responsible for empowering the individual Believers of Jesus and the Church with Power, participation in Ministry of the Church, Worship, Evangelism, Disciple Making, Prayer and Service unto God.
Joh 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. Read more to find Jesus
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Tel: +447473891425
1. God loves you. Please see Bible book John Chapter 3 verse16, (John 3:16).
2. God's love made Jesus Christ die for all humans to save us from Sin, Punishment for Sin, Death, Hell, Satan, demons, Problems, Fear etc. (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8).
3. Turn away from Sin & Invite Jesus into your life as your Lord & Saviour Asking God for forgiveness of your Sins in Jesus Name. (Romans 10 :9 - 10).
4. Pray audibly (Aloud) to Invite Jesus into your Life by saying. "Dear God I come to you in Jesus Name. I repent and forsake all my Sins/ Satan/Evil Practices. I Believe Jesus Died for Me. I Accept Jesus into my life as my Lord & Saviour. (Amen)".
© Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved.
Lovely Greetings to you/your family. The Leadership & Members of New Beginning Chapel (NBC) Purfleet.
A Gospel Pentecostal Bible Teaching Church
Invites you, your family & friends to join us every Sunday in Our Bible Based Church Family Service at the New Location.
Venue: Building of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM)
London Road. Purfleet. RM19 1QT.
In New Beginning Chapel/ (LICO) Centre
(1) Evangelism Thursdays 5pm to 6pm (Barnsley Bus Station).
(2) Sundays 6pm & Thursdays 6:30pm Church Service 6.30pm; Bible Teaching, Praise & Worship
Venue: At New Beginning Chapel/ (LICO) Centre, Ash Grove, Kendray, Barnsley S70 3HY
For Enquiries, Counselling & Prayers.
Please contact
Pastor Temi
Tel: 07473891425