


We Encourage Members of New Beginning Chapel (NBC) Part of the Life in Christ Outreach (LICO) to give their Tithe (10%) of all Income and Offering (Any amount  giving in addition to the Tithe) just as the Bible Teaches. In addition, to the Giving Tithe & Offering to the Home Church, We encourage people to give Offerings of any amount to Other Christian Ministries and Charitable Good Cause Projects in and outside the Church to bless Humanity.

We believe in Bible Teachings and Practice of Our Lord Jesus Ministry in relation to Giving.

Jesus our Lord affirmed it Was okay/ in order to Give Tithe (10% of what we earn or receive) while not neglecting matters of Law, Judgement(Justice), Mercy, Faith (Matthew 23 verse 23).

Jesus our Lord’s Ministry during His Life time on Earth was supported by People who believed in His Mission such as Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Many Others who gave out of their Substance (Money/ Resource to the Ministry of Jesus Christ Our Lord. (See Luke 8 verses 1 to 3)

The Old Testament Book of Malachi Chapter 3 verses 6 to 12 contains teaching on Tithe and Offering.

Verse 6 - God says I am the LORD and I Change not.

Verse 7 : God says people have turned away from God’s Instruction to Give Tithe  & Offering and God wants His People to return to the Practice of giving Tithe & Offering.

Verse 8: God says when we don’t Give Our Tithes and Offerings we are robbing Him (God), Stealing and acting as thieves.

Verse 9: People including the Whole Congregation/Nation of People bring themselves under CURSE (Financial Hardship) when they Rob God in Tithes and Offerings.

Verse 10 :  God instructs Us to bring all the Tithes into the Storehouse (Church)

Verse10: God wants us to prove Him/Test Him, that He (God) will Open the Windows of Heaven to Pour out a Blessing that will be so large, that there won’t be room enough to contain it when We obey God’s instruction to bring our Tithes to the Storehouse (Church).

Verse 11: When we give Our Tithe to God’s Store House (Church), God said He will rebuke (FORBID) THE devourer from destroying the fruits of our ground, which can be applied to mean - God will Prevent disaster in Our Work, Business and Investments etc)

Verse 11: When we give Our Tithe to God’s Storehouse (Church) God said “neither shall your Vine cast her fruit before the time in the field” which can mean  there will be no Financial Mishaps, No Financial Calamity, No loss, nothing eating up our Blessings etc).

Verse 12: When we give our Tithe God said He will Pour Out a Blessing (verse 10), Thus because of God’s Blessing on Us (Tithers), Nations will call Us (Tithers) Blessed and we (Tithers) will be a delightsome Land.

The Store house is the Church- that provides Spiritual food for people to be fed in God’s Word (Bible) through Holy Spirit inspired Bible Preaching and Teachings leading to continuous growth in their Walk with God, Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit).

The Bible teaches that Individuals, Believers and Disciples of Jesus must develop the Financial Stewardship of giving Tithe (10%) of all Income from all sources to God and anything given above the 10% is Classified as Offering. As a Church, New Beginning Chapel (NBC) Part of The Life In Christ Outreach (LICO) encourages Members of Every Church to give their Tithe (10%) of all their Income to the Church they Consider as their Home Church. People who do not see New Beginning Chapel (NBC) as their Home Church should give their Tithe to Their Local/Home Church. People who see New Beginning Chapel (NBC) as their Local/ Home Church are encouraged to give their Tithe (10%) and Offerings of their Chosen amount(s) ( in addition to Tithe) to God through New Beginning Chapel (NBC) Part of the Life In Christ Outreach. (LICO).

Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."If you're ready to make a difference; if you're ready to influence the world, this is your opportunity! Whether you bring your tithe as a step of obedience to the Word of God or contribute as an act of generosity, your money will result in more return here than any other place in the world, a return evident in lives changed. Your contributions will help spread Christ's message of hope and freedom to so many people and places in our area and around the world.

How to Give Online

To start giving online, simply fill out the form below and follow the instructions. If you want to keep track of your giving and automatically have your information automatically filled in for future transactions, you may Create an Account to establish a personal profile. However, you do NOT have to create an account to give.

Joh 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. Read more to find Jesus

Donate Online

making a donation to the NBC  will enable us to do more and make a greater difference.



  Tel: +447473891425



1. God loves you. Please see Bible book John Chapter 3 verse16, (John 3:16).

2. God's love made Jesus Christ die for all humans to save us from Sin, Punishment for Sin, Death, Hell, Satan, demons, Problems, Fear etc. (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8).

3. Turn away from Sin & Invite Jesus into your life as your Lord & Saviour Asking God for forgiveness of your Sins in Jesus Name. (Romans 10 :9 - 10).

4. Pray audibly (Aloud) to Invite Jesus into your Life by saying. "Dear God I come to you in Jesus Name. I repent and forsake all my Sins/ Satan/Evil Practices. I Believe Jesus Died for Me. I Accept Jesus into my life as my Lord & Saviour. (Amen)".

© Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved.



Lovely Greetings to you/your family. The Leadership & Members of New Beginning Chapel (NBC) Purfleet.

A Gospel Pentecostal Bible Teaching Church

Invites you, your family & friends to join us every Sunday in Our Bible Based Church Family Service at the New Location.

Venue: Building of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM)

London Road. Purfleet. RM19 1QT. 


In New Beginning Chapel/ (LICO) Centre

(1) Evangelism Thursdays 5pm to 6pm (Barnsley Bus Station).

(2) Sundays 6pm & Thursdays 6:30pm Church Service 6.30pm; Bible Teaching, Praise & Worship

Venue: At New Beginning Chapel/ (LICO) Centre, Ash Grove, Kendray, Barnsley S70 3HY

For Enquiries, Counselling & Prayers.

Please contact

Pastor Temi

Tel: 07473891425