Confession of Faith



I believe and I confess that GOD is the Almighty, The God of gods, the Jehovah El-Shaddai- one who is more than enough, is my God. He is my Father in Heaven, the GOD of the universe, the creator of Heaven and Earth is my Father.

God is my Father and He is on my side, I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.

The Blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin. I am now a new creature in Christ. I have been Born-Again into the 'family of God. Old things have passed away and all things have become new

I believe and I confess that according to God's Word, Jesus Christ came to die for me, He came to set me free. I have therefore been delivered from the authority of the powers of darkness. Satan is no longer my master, sin is no longer my master, sickness is no longer my master, fear is no longer my master, bondage (of any kind) is no longer my master. Jesus has set me free.

I believe in my heart that GOD raised Jesus from the dead and I confess with my mouth that He is the Lord. He is my Lord and I am saved, I am delivered, I am made whole, I have soundness of mind.

I believe and I confess that the Bible is exactly what it declares itself to be-the Word of God. It is God-Indwelt, it is God-Inspired, it is God speaking to me now.

God and His Word are one. God is in His Word, God's Word is His covenant with me. The word of God is more reliable that the word of man. I choose to believe God's Word rather than man's. God's is who He says He is, I am what God says I am. I am more than a conqueror and never beneath, I can do what God says I can do. I can do all things without exception through Christ who strengthens me.

I have what God says I have. Greater is He that is in me (The Holy Spirit) than the Devil that is in the World. The greater one in me (The Holy Spirit) puts me over all obstacles in life.

I believe and I confess that my God supplies all my needs: spirit, soul, body, Materially and financially according to His riches in glory by Jesus Christ. The Lord God is my Shepherd; I do not lack any thing. I am willing and obedient and I shall eat the good of the Land

By the stripes of Jesus, I have been healed, not going to be, it is done already. For Jesus himself has carried my pains, sickness, diseases, griefs, sorrows.

My body is healed. My mind is healed. My body is strong in Jesus's Name. My body is the temple of Holy Spirit, sickness and oppression in whatever form are far from me.

I believe and I confess that I dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High God and abide under His shadows. The name of Jesus is a stronger tower for me, I run into it and I am safe. God Almighty is my defence, He fights for me and I hold my peace.  No evil befalls my family and I. No any plague (Disaster/Destruction) come near my family and I’s dwelling place. No accident befalls my family and I, in Jesus name.

For the angels of God are round about my Family and I. The Angels of God are guarding my Family and I. No weapon that is fashioned against my Family and I prospers in Jesus Name.  The Bible says it, that settles it and I believe it and I enjoy the Manifestation of God's Word Operative in My Biological Family, In The Church Family I belong and in My Life In Jesus Name. Thank you Father God for all Your Words I have declared by The Holy Spirit Presence and Power is Done in My Lord Jesus name (Amen).

Joh 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. Read more to find Jesus

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1. God loves you. Please see Bible book John Chapter 3 verse16, (John 3:16).

2. God's love made Jesus Christ die for all humans to save us from Sin, Punishment for Sin, Death, Hell, Satan, demons, Problems, Fear etc. (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8).

3. Turn away from Sin & Invite Jesus into your life as your Lord & Saviour Asking God for forgiveness of your Sins in Jesus Name. (Romans 10 :9 - 10).

4. Pray audibly (Aloud) to Invite Jesus into your Life by saying. "Dear God I come to you in Jesus Name. I repent and forsake all my Sins/ Satan/Evil Practices. I Believe Jesus Died for Me. I Accept Jesus into my life as my Lord & Saviour. (Amen)".

© Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved.



Lovely Greetings to you/your family. The Leadership & Members of New Beginning Chapel (NBC) Purfleet.

A Gospel Pentecostal Bible Teaching Church

Invites you, your family & friends to join us every Sunday in Our Bible Based Church Family Service at the New Location.

Venue: Building of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM)

London Road. Purfleet. RM19 1QT. 


In New Beginning Chapel/ (LICO) Centre

(1) Evangelism Thursdays 5pm to 6pm (Barnsley Bus Station).

(2) Sundays 6pm & Thursdays 6:30pm Church Service 6.30pm; Bible Teaching, Praise & Worship

Venue: At New Beginning Chapel/ (LICO) Centre, Ash Grove, Kendray, Barnsley S70 3HY

For Enquiries, Counselling & Prayers.

Please contact

Pastor Temi

Tel: 07473891425